Cuckold Amazing guide / Guía exquisita para Cuckos

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07 min 07 sec
The sweet wives pictured here are just angels, beautiful heavenly creatures that have learned to share their pleasure with her man and the appointed bulls to pull the strings of their sweet passion. Do not waste your time reading more, watch it and melt! Las dulces espositas que verán aquí son simplemente ángeles, hermosas criaturas celestiales que han aprendido a compartir y convidar de su placer, a su esposo y a los bendecidos machos que han sido llamados para hacer sonar la dulce melodía de su pasión exquisita. No pierdan el tiempo leyendo; véanla y derrítanse! :)
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Posted by: bahd2dabon on 2015-04-15 12:17:06
This video is not only super hot, but it also explains the Cuckold Lifestyle simply and understandably. This is my all time favorite video here on Yuvutu. Thank you, again, Secretosmios, for this and so many awesome vids!
Posted by: follarbien on 2015-04-15 13:41:23
Estupendo vídeo. Jóvenes y esbeltas, mayores y gruesas... Da lo mismo, la esposa abierta a follar con diferentes hombres no sólo ofrece excitación, sino que cada vez es más experta en entregarse sin reservas y devolver tanto placer como recibe. Como marido con experiencia en estas diversiones, sólo querría añadir que no hay nada más delicioso que proporcionar a otros hombres sexo con la propia pareja, sean encuentros casuales o relaciones cómplices. Saber que otros cuentan con un punto fijo para satisfacerse sexualmente es una fuente de excitación constante. Bravo por este excelente vídeo. S
Posted by: bb4fun on 2015-04-15 14:38:43
This is a GREAT Video!! I am a Long Time Cuckold Lifestyle FAN!! Your Education and explanation of this Life Style is SO REAL!! and TRUE!! I am Pretty kinky and My Favorite is a MFM Meeting with Bi interaction. Thanks for all the Great Videos!
Posted by: bb4fun on 2015-04-15 14:43:30
I have sent You a Friend request. I Hope You accept! I would adore being your friend.
Posted by: flirtyone on 2015-04-15 17:21:59
Very informative!
Posted by: quizzickle on 2015-04-15 19:53:56
i see a Channel 4 Documentary on the horizon. It's always nice to fuck a woman with hubby around
Posted by: dan-ton-q on 2015-04-16 11:28:39
Better than Wikipedia about cuckolding and what a documentation !
Posted by: horny50 on 2015-04-16 12:08:54
My woman loves to play with guys cocks when we go dogging but will not repeat will not take a cock up her. I have done everything to encourage her but still her reply is ''I dont want to be unfaithful to you''. Now that seems crazy when she is prepared to take any cock deep throat and swallow every time.When we get home she is so fucking wet I can fuck her for hours but my dream is to see her take a huge cock up her.
Posted by: pornochic on 2015-04-16 15:26:52
fantastic!!! we are a french couple and practice the cuckolding, this video is exactly the true, bravo!!!!
Posted by: calzenylon on 2015-04-17 19:18:13
Beautiful. Please let me be your friend
Posted by: mrnight on 2015-04-18 08:46:09
Really hot, but also genuine and describing the reality.. exciting at the TOP ! Wishes from Italy !
Posted by: just_a_dad on 2015-04-19 23:22:24
Thank you for sharing this. It inspires me to continue to offer new levels of intimacy and sexual satisfaction with my lovely wife. Fingers crossed that someday we will join the ranks. Thanks again!
Posted by: just_a_dad on 2015-04-19 23:23:05
Any commentary on bi-sexual cucks?
Posted by: secretosmios on 2015-05-18 15:28:10
Just in case you get interested in one of the scenes -as it did to me- I found the complete video from which the fragment was taken. I mean the glorious fucked woman that appears from 1:43 up to 2:10 on this Guide. That video is FROM THIS SITE and belongs to GAULO1SER, in the -difficult- case you do not know them yet. The link to the complete (heavenly) video is
Posted by: rocksoff on 2015-07-19 10:18:28
thanks for sharing
Posted by: 99money on 2015-08-22 14:22:06
Excellent video!!!!!!
Posted by: alina21 on 2019-11-25 08:11:33
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Posted by: alina21 on 2020-03-15 00:26:54
I just need some hookup today Wet and ready to have some pleasure and fun Hope to hear from you soon on
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