On A Chair (Part 1 of 2)

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16 min 19 sec
Well, I did it on the bed, on the couch, on the floor, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on the balcony. Ummm...so, here's me on a chair. LOL. Like, wow, I haven't recorded myself on a chair since the early webcam stuff. I thought I'd try it again and see if I could do better.;) I started with clothes on. That's different.:P (I actually have clothes! I'm not always naked. Hee hee. I just hope some people would much rather see me naked.:) I suppose it's not normal for guys to feel their breasts but...I don't know, the more I watch naked girls in videos the more aware I am that I have breasts and nipples too. I'm experimenting with the idea that guys can also get pleasure from breast stimulation and it's just social rules that prevent guys from trying a lot of stuff out. I recorded this before I even watched the last one. So, I'd say I still have about the same kind of stuff to improve on. But I think, I hope, this is way better than those first webcam videos I did. I hope this is totally way more interesting and much mUcH sexier.:) Part 1 is basically a soft warm up for Part 2. (The end here may seem cut off just a little abruptly. Well...I had to stop because I got a stomach cramp right then. LOL. So, there was only about another 10 seconds before I turned off the camera anyway.) All my videos, pictures, blogs, profile and more always free at http://julianbabe.wetpaint.com
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