Had just seen my family off to the airport

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05 min 00 sec
My family decided to come visit me for 2 weeks and well I only had the chance to masturbate 1 in 14 days. So I needed to cum really bad and thought I would share it with all of you
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Posted by: refillguy on 2009-07-08 11:24:20
so glad you got to releave yourself and play...................and orgasm .iwould have thought that if you had to wait 14 days that you would have a lot more cream built up in your shaved pussy .wish you would share some more playing with us and maybe do a special one of you having a real big and wet orgasm .ummmmmy thanx
Posted by: darkhorse2009 on 2009-07-08 12:10:06
This would have ROCKED if it had some sound to to. I bet you yelled your head off...would have liked to have heard it.
Posted by: torlandomtl on 2009-07-08 12:55:57
A very nice video with a lovely cunt: I jerked off into my hand watching it, so thank you for that. Would love to see more, and would be better if you had sound and possibly a webcam with better resolution. I will be back though, so thank you again.
Posted by: ralleigh on 2009-07-08 14:36:52
Very hot how was your orgasm bet when you came your toes curled?
Posted by: onslaught on 2009-07-09 21:54:45
you must have been truly horny and wet think you could handle having a master?;-)
Posted by: Anonymous on 2009-07-10 14:51:21
You are so damned HOT! I would be such a whore with you. Love to watch you get fucked so I could taste you after. AWESOME Baby
Posted by: Anonymous on 2009-09-22 16:45:55
the pussy cum harder!!! sometimes the waiting is the hottest part. my hot wife can hardly make it 3 days without wanting to fuck me to her orgasm, or do herself with her pocket rocket...speaking of...love to see you cum with a pocket rocket after letting your rabbit have its way with your yummy pussy! to see your lips and arsehole snapping as you climax..heaven! send more solo clips!! bpdogg
Posted by: dcdc on 2016-05-07 10:31:34
I would luv to have been eating you as you came !
Posted by: dcdc on 2016-05-07 10:31:38
I would luv to have been eating you as you came !