islandbella2 blogs

I am

I am enjoying my summer with exception of catching bronchitsis. been two weeks nasty cough remains.

I want to compliment a very special man in my life~~

He has always been there for me with love, support, and the warmest, and kindest gesture.

He has never spoken ill of me and has been to hell and back with me several times~~ I will be first to say I am stuborn  almost always  and I

have no patience.

He has enhanced my life in many ways and together we have grow stronger and formed a bond together thats as strong as time its self.

my life is richer because of this man, I wouldn't change a thing. He has opened my eyes and helped me see outside the box. Taught me to slow

down and relax....... to finally open my heart to trust that I will not be abandon again.  He has seen me at my worst, showed me the people that

were  poisoins in my life, and was strong enough to help me face my fears and break a damaging cycle. He supported  my choice to

realize I had a voice and after 17 years of silence I needed to make a stand and claim my inner beauty and power.  I am really looking forward

to another 25 years plus, and learn more about each other, stay open minded and not to be scared to experience new opportuinties.

Island I love you too the moon and back ;-)

Standard Pussy

Okay all my friends and lovers.

 I am stumped~ I have a male friend and he always talks about  his girl having a standard pussy. He says its just a little "V" at the top with a little

slit with no lip defination. We have never heard of pussy clarifications before or pussies being catagorized, Is this a round the world thingy?

 Any help or information ~ this brown eyed beauty will appreciate.


friends and fun

Well we are coming up on a year with this site. We have met and made some wonderful friends. We have enjoyed all pictures and videos and love being a part of your private worlds. We only want to share and hopefully post pleasing material for everyone to enjoy.  Summer is here and its been terribly HOT! Hope to produce new adventures and tan lines soon. LOve you all and thanks for enjoying us as much as we enjoy you.....

XOXOXO Bella and Island


My legs are like an OREO cookies

I can split them open and let you eat all the GOOD STUFF in the middle








thought of the day





Brown eyes
Either sexy as hell or are adorable. Loves to make new friends. Their relationship tends to be very honest because if they aren't truly in love, then the relationship won't work. They fall easily for their best friends. Will do anything for that special person. Kind and polite. Enjoys being with their guy/girl. LOVES to party. Can make ANYONE laugh or cheer them up. Loves to please the one they care for or love. The BEST ones at sex .! Amazing Kisser.



SOME PEOPLE FIND IT EASIER to liberate their imaginations and vocalize
their fantasies by playing games—somehow it helps free them from their
usual inhibitions. Agree any ground rules with your partner first, and then
start letting your imaginations go wild!

MANY PEOPLE LOVE playing games in
the bedroom, and sharing a fantasy is
the best sort of spontaneous sex game.
There are lots of ways to act out the
blue movies of your imagination: you
can wear costumes or masks, you can use
props, you can decorate your bedroom
in erotic style, or you can rely on
imagination, role-play, and storytelling.

• On separate slips of paper, write down different fantasy roles or characters, such
as a doctor or a nurse . You can also use names of
famous people. Mix them up and get your partner to pull one out of a hat. Now
you must both interact as if he or she is that character.

• Choose a favorite sex scene from a movie. Act it out with your partner in the
same surroundings—try to use the same props, too.

• Pick a fantasy theme and create it in your own home. For example, turn your
bedroom into a palace bedroom, an Arabian tent, or a den of sex toys. If you want
to transform a room quickly, the bathroom is ideal: just turn the light off and add
candles, perfumed oil, bouquets of flowers, and clouds of steam.


THE SHOWER IS A NATURAL sex toy: it combines heat, pressure, moisture,
and friction all in one device. There are plenty of sensual experiences
you and your partner can experiment with and enjoy:

1~~~Play around in the shower and use the water jets on an alternate
pleasure/punishment basis. Pleasure is warm water directed at the genitals;
punishment is a blast of cold water on the back.
2~~~See if you can masturbate your woman to orgasm using only the jets of
water from the showerhead.
3~~~Use the flow of water from the
shower hose to massage different
parts of the body, such as the perineum,
the genitals, the toes, the lips, the soles of
the feet, and the backs of the knees.
4~~~Cover each other in liquid soap and
give each other a sensual massage.
5~~~Surprise your partner with some
exciting oral sex in the shower.
6~~~If you want to move on to shower
sex, the best position is one in
which the woman bends over and the man
penetrates her from behind —
this reduces the risk of slipping.


THERE ARE VARIOUS WAYS you can develop the right
degree of muscle control to achieve multiple orgasms,
although it does take time and patience

1~~Learn testicle control. Standing with your feet apart, pull
up your testicle muscles toward your lower abdomen.
Repeat as often as possible every day, but stop if your testicles
begin to hurt.
2~~Give yourself an erection and train yourself to keep it
hard for as long as possible.
3~~Climax is triggered by a kind of tension in the pelvic area
called “myotonia.” To build this up, alternately flex and
relax your thighs and lower abdomen for as long as possible:
five minutes is the aim, but stop if you get cramps.
4~~Excite yourself slowly, building up to a high pitch of
arousal over a long time. When you feel about to reach
orgasm, clench your pelvic-floor muscles. If you feel
this isn’t going to work, try the Beautrais maneuver ,
in which you pull down on your testicles, or the squeeze
technique , which involves squeezing the penis.



THE SHOCK OF extreme cold starts
adrenaline flowing, promoting feelings
of anticipation and excitement. You
could just rub an ice cube all over
your lover’s body, or try the following:

1~~~Suck an ice cube, then apply your
cold mouth to your lover’s nipples.
Next, take a mouthful of a hot drink and
reapply your hot lips to the nipples.

2~~~Fill a condom with crushed ice and
use it to massage parts of your
lover’s body, such as in the creases at the
top of the thighs or between the toes.


oral sex


SOME MEN FEEL SELF-CONSCIOUS about oral sex. A major
part of this has to do with body odor, especially the
scent of their semen. If you have any doubts about how
acceptable you may smell or taste, take a look at the
following suggestions:
• Cut down on the pepper and salt—these make semen taste
bitter. Instead, go for blander food such as French fries and
peas for a “neutral” odor. Eat cinnamon and sugar for a
sweeter taste. Or if she adores all things Asian, indulge in a
spicy curry beforehand.
• Some men focus anxieties on the amount of semen they
produce. Be aware that it is normal to have less ejaculate
when you are older or if you have had a lot of sex.
Nevertheless, there is a method of boosting semen
production. Try eating foods rich in zinc—these include seeds
and nuts. Adequate zinc is vital for the production of
testosterone, for sperm formation, and for prostate health. So
knock back a large handful of pumpkin seeds every day!

Ladies here is a massage techinque for our best friend...........CLIT

Clitoral massage

Perform the following 20 times
each: first, circle the head of
the clitoris, then change
direction. Next, rub your finger
up and down one side of the
clitoris then the other, then
backward and forward just
below it. Finally, rub from the
clitoris to the vagina and back.


couple erotic techniques for massging men.............enjoy

1.The corkscrew
Put one hand on each side of
the penis shaft. Slide them
around in opposite directions
at the same time—as if you
were trying to twist the penis in
half—and then slide them back
again. Repeat ten times.

2.The lemon squeezer
Steady the penis by grasping it
in the middle with one hand.
Then rub the cupped palm of
your other hand over and
around the head of the penis,
as if you were juicing a lemon.

Excerpt from Sexopedia on massage therapy, enjoy

M A S S A G E R U L E SBEFORE YOU START a massage session, it helps if you learn
a few basic rules.These guidelines should ensure thatboth you and your lover get the most out of the session:
1~~~Make sure that both you and your partner understand any
guidelines either of you set out before the session.
2~~~Listen to and respect your partner. Don’t insist on the
massage session if he or she is not willing.
3~~~Make sure that you have total privacy for the session. Set
aside a time when you know you won’t be disturbed.
4~~~Make sure that the room is warm
before you start.
5~~~Wash your hands in hot water
before you begin so that they arewarm and clean—a speck of dirt feels
like a pin scraping along the body.
6~~~Use slow massage movements.
If you are giving someone full body
strokes, your contact should be continuous—make sure that you
have at least one hand in contact with your partner’s skin at all
times during the massage.
7~~~Be attentive to how your partner reacts to particular
strokes. Respond to the reactions you receive when you are
giving a massage, rather than just being aware of what
you enjoy when you’re being massaged.
8~~~Ask your partner for feedback. Be open with your
responses when it’s your turn to be massaged.

Good Morning ~~~~~~~

Good morning to all my friends,

 I want to relay a heads up to all my friends, I will not be avil much this week. I have a busy week ahead with family and friends gathering to celebrate my birthday this coming Sunday. I do not want to cause worry or alarm to anyone~~~~ I will miss you all very much. I want everyone to have a wonderful week and keep filming and sharing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

love ya all,


Gratitude and Thanks

Thank everyone for enjoying our profile,  and helping us reach over 100,000 views. Comments are always appreciated and brings a lot of moisture, erect body parts, and happy endings to us both . We enjoy veiwing as much as sharing. Thank you for welcoming us with open arms and friendships. We will consider any requests that may cross your mind. We will make tributes at request and surely love receiving them. Variety is the spice of life and we enjoy and appreciate every single one of you and your views. We joined this site 5 months ago and had no idea what results or feedback we might get. My husband keeps saying I have the following but I stress its we, I sometimes need a little help with the camera. Ladies I do have a request from you................ What more can we do or what would you like to see from my hub? Its a lot easier for women to make a video,and women have more options so I would really be interested in female suggestions please. If you're shy about requests you can always send a private message here  or email to ISLANDBELLA2@YAHOO.COM. We never thought amateur videos and pictures would be so much fun to view and share. We are doing this for fun and friendships and want  bonds that will lasts. We all seem to strive for the same things and all seem just a tad reserve at first. We possess no threats or strings, if our paths ever cross we certainly hope it will be for friendships started. Anything after that would be a bonus. This site has helped "me", Bella, open up a lot more sexually, believe it or not I was hesitant, hubby shared site with me and was worried of my reaction because of being uptight and thinking it had a hidden agenda and now look at us. It was my idea to join and explore uncharted territoies. This commuinty seems to be the best and most welcoming with our curiosities , questions, and doubts. We have become closer by sharing and viewing and discussing comments and thoughts . We are super thankful for everything and all of you. Keep enjoying us and we will surely keep enjoying you ;-). 

PS- if you joined as a couple, it would sure be nice to talk to the female sometimes. I enjoy talking with males, but sometimes ladies need to talk and stick together, and form bonds,to get comfortable enough to share. Be honest and open, I'm not here to judge just help, share and learn if I can.

Love you all . Bella


Just Coffee..................

The phone rang, a smile widened across my face. He said remember me?. How many years had it been, 10, 15, 20? He asked if I wanted to go for a cup of coffee. I was wearing a low cut tank top and daisy duke shorts, its just coffee.

We were to meet at the local cafe. I arrived and saw him. He was wearing old jeans with holes in the knees and a rugged T-shirt. I experienced a warm wet feeling when he turned and smiled. We talked and talked, it seemed like time stopped for us.

I noticed he couldn't stop starring at my breast.  He was deep in thought.  I smiled and asked if everything was okay. He replied do you ever wonder what could have happen? I smiled and turned away.

He walked me to my car and said it really was great to see you and keep in touch. I had to agree, just seeing him and hearing his voice awakened every nerve ending. I was still curious about the "what if" factor.

I gave him a hug and brushed my hand over his cock lightly, I wanted to find a rock hard erection awaiting me. I was not disappionted. He pulled me close and said see what you still do to me? He began to kiss my neck. His hands were gliding all over me.  He stopped short of exploring beneathe my shorts and whispered I want you.......

I grasped his engorged cock, smiled,and said follow me.........I wanted him and



Because you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass

Yeah it's pretty clear, I ain't no size 2
But I can shake it, shake it like I'm supposed to do
'Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase
All the right junk in all the right places
I see the magazines working that Photoshop
We know that shit ain't real
Come on now, make it stop
If you got beauty beauty just raise 'em up
'Cause every inch of you is perfect
From the bottom to the top
Yeah, my momma she told me don't worry about your size
She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night
You know I won't be no stick thin you silly Barbie doll,
So, if that's what's you're into
Then go ahead and move along!

sad Island Beauty needs advice

New post Help............... 
Poor Bella is in search of a toy she wont be able to break, any suggestions?
My toys get frequent rough use..............
Every one I have bought, I really think that this is the one and it wont break, soooo sad. :cry: :oops: :cry: :oops:

It is a challenge to find a toy I can't easily break.........

this is a very horny and happy cock~ with bright future

  •  islandbella2
  • Interests:
  • Beaches, camping, firepits, cookouts, fun
  • Gender
  • Heterosexual Couple
  • Occupation:
  • contractor
  • Date of Birth:
  • June 1971
  • Ethnic Group:
  • White
  • Relationship Status:
  • In a monogamous relationship
  • Sexuality:
  • Straight
  • Smoke:
  • Yes
  • Height:
  • 183 cm 6 ft 0 in
  • Body Type:
  • Medium
  • Sexual Assets:
  • Average
  • Education:
  • High School
  • Nationality:
  • United States
  • Country of Residence:
  • United States
  • State or Region:
  • NC
  • City or Town:
  • elizabeth city
  • Date joined:
  • 2014-06-29
  • Last visited:
  • You must be a subscriber to view this information.
  • Available for Dating:
  • Yes
  • 99money
  •   Canada
      69 years old
  • kasoo
  •   United Kingdom
      72 years old
  •   2K
  •   28/04/19
  •   66%
  •   8K
  •   26/04/19
  •   66%
  •   9K
  •   26/04/19
  •   66%
  •   10K
  •   26/04/19
  •   66%
  •   7K
  •   26/04/19
  •   66%
  •   9K
  •   26/04/19
  •   66%