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Question for the multiple moderators?
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Post Question for the multiple moderators? 
Who gives all of you the power to be moderators? I have paid for this site once before and didn't hear any rules for the room ever said. Now I paid again and found that you guys all keep saying not to private message anyone without their permission. Well if it is asked in the room then everyone knows- so whats the point of the private messages. Also Why are there so many moderators when the same people are on all the time. I find the same 4-8 people are listed in red. It seems to me and I bet I am not alone- that you people like to have control over just about everything. You know I will probably be banned from the chat for this message- to be honest I don't care. You people may think I am a nobody that comes around every now and then. But here this- If I do get banned- I will be contacting a lawyer.......

Message to everyone that reads this- I DON'T CARE- think what you wanna think- say what you wanna say- you know I am right!!!

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I have sent you an email.

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Post Apologies 
SO after speaking with admin- and other moderators I want to express my apologies for being an ass. I am from NYC originally and I do not normally apologize. You guys have a job to do in the rooms to keep it from becoming like yahoo chat. Please excuse my last post to here. Feel free to send me a message if you would like

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I know Admin has already talked to you and you two have come to an understanding, but I did want to post just to help other people.

First of all, we keep these forums open for feedback just like this. Some people may have found your comments harsh, but it is how you feel, and it's valid. You have real concerns, you deserve to have those answered. Nobody should feel like they cannot post or question the rules or policies, everybody's input is important.

Second, yes, I agree, the rules are a little askew right now, and this is more for the people who may not be aware of what is going on right now. When it comes to the whispers and the PM, we just installed a new chatroom, and unfortunately we soon discovered some bugs that the company which created the software didn't know about. One of those involves the Private Messaging system. The system allows an individual to receive or block the Private Messages, however one of the bugs makes it so that this doesn't always work. A lot of people find the PMs to be intrusive because they pop up while you are typing in chat, and it interrupts your conversation. Further, especially for popular users, they can receive a lot of PMs in a minute, making it very difficult to speak with everybody.

If you can imagine the frustration of having pop-up windows constantly open with people wanting to speak with you, demanding that you go in private and other things that is the experience a lot of people are having here right now. It is very frustrating. Until we get this issue fixed, the moderators are empowered to step in and help with this because many times users will simply be overwhelmed with PM requests.

What we've decided is that unless you know the person, and you know that it is ok to send a PM to that person, that you should politely ask them within the chatroom if it is OK to send them a PM. However, some people do not show respect for others, and come here practically spam everybody in the chat room with PM requests to go private or to do cam shows. It is unfortunate that some people behave in this way and cause trouble. In cases where users have been warned not to do this, we will mute the user in the chat room (take away their speaking privileges) for two minutes, and we will let them know what the rule is. Thankfully most of the time the user will understand and will help spread the word. Some users do get upset, and for this we are sorry. However, we are simply trying to act in the best interests for the majority of the users so that they can enjoy the website.

Once the whisper/PM bug is fixed, then we will stop doing this, because every user will be completely empowered to accept or block PMs on their own, and to directly block any user who continues to harass them.

Third, regarding being muted, kicked or banned from the chatrooms. Please understand that we certainly do not like to do this. However, if a user is spamming the chatroom, harassing other people, or being abusive towards others, our first step is to mute the user, or take away their ability to speak in the chatroom. This is only a temporary 2 minute ban that is basically meant to calm a user down. For users who engage in more extreme behaviors, we may kick a user out of the room, which sends them back to the lobby. This is not normally done as most users follow the rules. The kick from the room only lasts for five minutes, after which the user can leave the lobby and return to the other room they were in. In those circumstances where users are violating major rules, such as spamming rooms with advertisements for other sites, or are engaging in illegal behavior, we have the option to ban the user. The ban can be a little as 1 minute or as long as 5 years. The user will not be able to enter any room in the chatroom if we do this, and when the user is kicked out he or she will receive a message stating which moderator banned them, and the reason why they were banned.

If, at any time, you feel that a mute, kick or a ban was unjustified, you're perfectly free to question why. If you can, speak with one of the moderators, especially the moderator who sanctioned you. Many times this happens because of a misunderstanding, and once we feel the misunderstanding is cleared up, we can remove the sanction. In some cases, we may need a member of our programming or administrative team to reverse the sanction, which may take up to 24 hours to perform. We ask that you be patient if we have to do this. Finally, if you cannot come to an understanding with a moderator, or if you do not feel that you can trust the moderators, you can communicate your actions to the Administrators. You can post here in the forums, like rockyhorroreddie did, or you can use the "Feedback" link at the top of every web page. The Admin team takes this very seriously and will immediately investigate. When you are banned from a room, the Admin team can look into the record to see who did it, when and why. Sometimes the Administrator will reverse the action immediately and inform the moderators of this action, sometimes the Administrator will ask the moderators, either the one who performed the action or as a whole, for more information on what happened. This may take a few days, but this will be addressed as quickly as possible.

And it certainly isn't Admin/Mods against the users. The Admins want as many users to participate in the chat and on the site, especially for our users who are paid subscribers, so it works against our common good to sanction users for no reasons. Likewise, the moderators here are simply unpaid volunteers who are users themselves, who simply want to help with making the site safe and fun. Our role should be seen as to "serve and protect" rather than "patrol and control". Just as the site is less fun for users when others misbehave, it also isn't fun for the moderators to have to sanction misbehaving users.

Hopefully this helps anybody who had questions or concerns about what is going on lately. PLEASE hang in there with us while our programming teams straighten out the bugs with the new chatroom, we're all trying to work together for a fantastic experience that you cannot get on any other community.

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Post Re: Apologies 
rockyhorroreddie wrote:
SO after speaking with admin- and other moderators I want to express my apologies for being an ass. I am from NYC originally and I do not normally apologize. You guys have a job to do in the rooms to keep it from becoming like yahoo chat. Please excuse my last post to here. Feel free to send me a message if you would like

Thank you for the Apologies. I hope we The (Moderators) can be here to help you if you ever need us!!!!!!!!

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It's ok for me rockyhorroreddie , you are always welcome in chat for having fun. Wink

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Post This is a lie 
This excerpt, quoted is simply a lie in my case. A moderator named stu_something (uk I think) muted me then banned me. Period. I did not stick around to find out whether this ban was for five minutes, five years, or five hundred. In my case the violation allegedly perpetrated did not merit the action taken if I am to take the paragraph quoted below at face value. I any case, I should not expect everyone to become a doctor a jurisprudence in order to moderate informal forums. I just have to come to terms with the fact this is not for me.

Best regards


(BTW, I know how strong it is to say "you are lying" in English speaking cultures.

"Third, regarding being muted, kicked or banned from the chatrooms. Please understand that we certainly do not like to do this. However, if a user is spamming the chatroom, harassing other people, or being abusive towards others, our first step is to mute the user, or take away their ability to speak in the chatroom. This is only a temporary 2 minute ban that is basically meant to calm a user down. For users who engage in more extreme behaviors, we may kick a user out of the room, which sends them back to the lobby. This is not normally done as most users follow the rules. The kick from the room only lasts for five minutes, after which the user can leave the lobby and return to the other room they were in. In those circumstances where users are violating major rules, such as spamming rooms with advertisements for other sites, or are engaging in illegal behavior, we have the option to ban the user. The ban can be a little as 1 minute or as long as 5 years. The user will not be able to enter any room in the chatroom if we do this, and when the user is kicked out he or she will receive a message stating which moderator banned them, and the reason why they were banned. "

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Post Re: This is a lie 
JorgeArriagada wrote:
This excerpt, quoted is simply a lie in my case. A moderator named stu_something (uk I think) muted me then banned me. Period. I did not stick around to find out whether this ban was for five minutes, five years, or five hundred. In my case the violation allegedly perpetrated did not merit the action taken if I am to take the paragraph quoted below at face value. I any case, I should not expect everyone to become a doctor a jurisprudence in order to moderate informal forums. I just have to come to terms with the fact this is not for me.

Best regards


(BTW, I know how strong it is to say "you are lying" in English speaking cultures.

"Third, regarding being muted, kicked or banned from the chatrooms. Please understand that we certainly do not like to do this. However, if a user is spamming the chatroom, harassing other people, or being abusive towards others, our first step is to mute the user, or take away their ability to speak in the chatroom. This is only a temporary 2 minute ban that is basically meant to calm a user down. For users who engage in more extreme behaviors, we may kick a user out of the room, which sends them back to the lobby. This is not normally done as most users follow the rules. The kick from the room only lasts for five minutes, after which the user can leave the lobby and return to the other room they were in. In those circumstances where users are violating major rules, such as spamming rooms with advertisements for other sites, or are engaging in illegal behavior, we have the option to ban the user. The ban can be a little as 1 minute or as long as 5 years. The user will not be able to enter any room in the chatroom if we do this, and when the user is kicked out he or she will receive a message stating which moderator banned them, and the reason why they were banned. "

I was in chatroom with stu_uk and you .......and I remember correctly what you said about the few persons on cam , you said they were ugly... then you have been muted by stu_uk...and when your mute has been finished, You have directly insulted stu_uk (also something about UK people are all fat) so he banned you for 3 hours.

So , Have you really been shocked by your ban? maybe about the lenght of the ban? seriously?

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Post I have a solution!!! 
Gloryhole writes:

"I was in chatroom with stu_uk and you .......and I remember correctly what you said about the few persons on cam , you said they were ugly... then you have been muted by stu_uk...and when your mute has been finished, You have directly insulted stu_uk (also something about UK people are all fat) so he banned you for 3 hours.

So , Have you really been shocked by your ban? maybe about the lenght of the ban? seriously?"

A showed this situation to a friend of mine and she suggested the perfect solution. Simply change your nick to something anglo-sounding, like james_uk or rob_us and all is fixed. Duh!! What was I thinking chatting with a name like "jorge."


And I do not hide

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jorgeo_arriagada I do not think you need to change your name, One it sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder with people from uk and the us. Two think about changing the way YOU look at people and treat them as YOU would want to be treated and i think YOU would find your time in chat to be enjoyable and fun as do the rest of us :) in chat. Take care

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Post Saxon, I will change 
"jorgeo_arriagada I do not think you need to change your name, One it sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder with people from uk and the us. Two think about changing the way YOU look at people and treat them as YOU would want to be treated and i think YOU would find your time in chat to be enjoyable and fun as do the rest of us Smile in chat. Take care"

I will try to become white an right so I can fit with "the rest of" you. Thanks for the advice. BTW, the saxons weren't even from Britain. They went to the British Islands with angles and the Jutes invited to "help" the Roman-spoiled Brtitons ward off the Picts.

But then again, this is a waste of time.

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Post Jorge 
I have been here for sometime now and only see respect and love for the people who come in here. The people who like coming in here understand the reasons why we like this place. The fact the have taken the time to respond shows respect and thoughtfulness on their part. Why can't you show the same? If you dont like the people who are in the room or the rules, there are other places to go on the internet. All complaints are looked at and addressed and in almost every case the people making the complaints see the reasons why the rules are set up. Responses like your only show that your interest is not making things better but to insult and incite. Why? THis is a fun place one that all people enjoy. if you cant make this place better with your comments and presence then try and find a place where you can make that happen. Good Luck

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Post Re: Saxon, I will change 
jorgearriagada wrote:
"jorgeo_arriagada I do not think you need to change your name, One it sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder with people from uk and the us. Two think about changing the way YOU look at people and treat them as YOU would want to be treated and i think YOU would find your time in chat to be enjoyable and fun as do the rest of us Smile in chat. Take care"

I will try to become white an right so I can fit with "the rest of" you. Thanks for the advice. BTW, the saxons weren't even from Britain. They went to the British Islands with angles and the Jutes invited to "help" the Roman-spoiled Brtitons ward off the Picts.

But then again, this is a waste of time.

Hey Jorge...... Saxon didn't take his name from the saxons.... he took it from the hardrock band called "Saxon" and please don't even try to become white, it dosen't work!!!! Just be yourself and treat others the way you want to be treated!!!!!

Hugs Exy Cool

I am back to pervette ;)
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