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PostForum: Feedback & Help   Posted: 2012-08-15 20:06:25   Subject: adverts in the bottom right corner....

god its annoying! I cant seem to click it just to close it....yuvutu please dump it!
PostForum: Feedback & Help   Posted: 2010-11-26 23:33:57   Subject: Real Time Uploads of vids and pics

Hi, could we be able to upload images and videos in real time, like on n******* Appreciate there may be issues regarding something is appropriate or not, but will a feature allowing people to r ...
PostForum: Feedback & Help   Posted: 2010-11-21 18:50:52   Subject: Who's watching? feature for new chat window by vids.

yes agree with all this...please look at this yuvutu Smile
PostForum: Feedback & Help   Posted: 2010-11-20 19:11:00   Subject: chat room images & realtime viewers watching video

be good to have the abilty to post images onto the chat room, like's chat rooms. Also, really like the chat facility when watching videos, be good to know in realtime how many people are ...
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