Sub Housewife Masturbates in front of open Door to Room in busy Brighton Hotel

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03 min 27 sec
During stay in Brighton Hotel I had the old slut naked and masturbating in Hotel room doorway, she always gets worked up knowing she may be seen, little did she know that opposite the door in the corridor was a hotel security camera, and just after this was filmed a hotel staff member arrived with some really embarrassing questions. If anyone has the security tape would love to hear from you.
Female Masturbation
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Posted by: raptor on 2010-12-26 11:45:05
Good girl.
Posted by: guckstenur on 2010-12-26 12:21:08
good sub wife. Wonderful vid. Show more, please. Kisses
Posted by: seamed-stockings on 2010-12-27 01:24:57
Great little video although the sound quality was a little rough so was unable to hear you telling this sub slut wife what you wanted her to do. Would love to have seen her dressed for sex in some great lingerie, black nylon stockings with suspenders and of course a pair of ‘CFM’ high heels. But the best part was knowing that there really s sex exhibitionist couples out there like you just pushing those limits to the next level….And I live very close to Brighton too. That makes your heart skip a beat. Al the best from Paul xx
Posted by: Anonymous on 2016-04-24 06:57:52
Still active?