Videos by secretosmios

Oh no, the condom broke!

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18 min 35 sec
The subject of a woman requesting a bull the use of a condom speaks me so much about the opportunity. It tells me that she and her relevant couple, had chosen to get her fucked by a stranger. So, this chosen "bull" is allowed to most parts of the ladies goodies, BUT to plant his sperm at least. It is the ultimate barrier, which speaks to me that MOST fences were put down but this. It IS an elligitimate action that is taking place, with all the EMOTIONS involved. Watch in this awesome film, what happened when the so-trusted rubber fails. In this video the lovely wife is fucked. FUCKED in all the sense of the word. Guys, just compare the lust and satisfaction moans of this lovely woman when she reckons that the man truly orgasmed TO HER, and when they all discover she had been impregnated due to a condom that broke; look at her sweet face as it transforms; check how she scoops the goo and the gesture of her hand upon the confirmation that she has been spermed ever-so-deep, discovering her depths have been showered with the unwanted seed. The poor soul just leaves for the loo, see what damage control could be done now, oh my!
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Posted by: biencornu on 2018-02-15 15:13:31
This is the purpose of cuckolding ... to be filled by a stranger, my wife never refuses the proposal to be taken without a condom and blacks really like to fill the white sluts ... perfect
Posted by: tintin69 on 2019-07-10 05:48:09
really hot stuff
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