Videos by janineetjacques

janine choisi un ami part2

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07 min 56 sec
La rencontre continue avec cet homme quelle a choisi sur un site de rencontre et qui a très envie de la baiser, il va la faire jouir aussi avec les caresses et la pénètrer en jouissant fort, tous les deux très contents de leurs petites rencontre, simplement pour le plaisir... et en petit amateur.
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Posted by: cosmos99 on 2011-03-15 23:19:22
j'aimerais etre à sa place , janine tu es super excitante . j'aimerais lecher ta chatte que je devine délicieuse ... et me faire sucer par toi , quel délice ce doit etre . enfin jouir dans la chaleur de ta chatte ... tu es belle et bandante . merci Janine , merci Jacques ;)
Posted by: hellene on 2011-03-21 20:12:59
sexy woman. beautiful pussy
Posted by: lerue on 2011-05-18 15:06:36
There seems to be a lack of eroticism in all of your clips. My impression is Janine is doing this for you, and has no interest in doing it for herself. It would seem to be your challenge to get her to do because she gets something out of it. I can't prove it, but I bet she loves you, and if that is true, your hands-on involvement could heighten her pleasure and interest. You must convince her that when she does something it is not with someone else as it is an extenuation of your (the 2 of you) love making. It also is an opportunity to explore other human curiosities. You both must hav
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